Postmortem project is based on details of web_stack_debbuging_3 and how we solve the error that we search for.


Khouloud Alkhammassi
2 min readJul 8, 2020

Our project which is web_stack_debbuging_3 that we did is a wordpress website running on a LAMP stack and
the Apache GET request was returning a 500 error. The website it’s a simple HTML page but the error related to MYSQL or PHP.


07–07–2020, 00:00, Beginning the project.
07–07–2020, 00:00, Finding out why Apache is returning a 500 error.
07–07–2020, 00:00, Trying to fixing the error manually and it works.
07–07–2020, 00:00, Creating ‘0-strace_is_your_friend.pp’ file to fix the error that contains Puppet code.
07–07–2020, 00:00, Pupper script works and pushed to GitHub.

Root cause:

The main problem was a typo error in the file /var/www/html/wp-settings.php which have this line that contains the error in the extention
‘require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/class-wp-locale.phpp’ );’ , so the extention should be .php instead of .pphp and that’s why we created
0-strace_is_your_friend.pp to solve the error.


To fix this error we should modify this file (‘/var/www/html/wp-settings.php’) in line 137 from ‘class-wp-locale.phpp’ to ‘class-wp-locale.php’
and we can change it manually and it works but we create 0-strace_is_your_friend.pp to across this error if it exists on multiple servers.

